Good Morning! Anyone care for a swim in the English channel? or a Mud bath?
Well…finally the rain has stopped -hopefully for a while-although its not looking likely!!
And as much as we need the rain….Unfortunately it has turned us into a muddy puddle, even with all the rain we’ve had a cast of thousands bringing in dirt to keep us as on track as we can. We’ve had trucks bogged, cars bogged and excavators working overtime! But its all coming together!
the 2nd unfortunately is its given us no option than to push back our scheduled our Open Day date!
At this stage we are looking at 9th or the 16th June…date will be confirmed shortly!
But…we are still open for business (and coffee!!) 😉
Site Office is open Monday-Thursday 10am-3pm, (Any other time – 7 days a week- by appointment)
Showroom will be ready for viewing in 2 weeks.
Stage one (10 homes) will be complete by July 31st, roads and gardens done…(weather gods pending!) 🙂
6 homes are already up…2 slabs down ready to start and 2 to go!